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The Apprentice's Companion for Life Science

  • The Apprentice's Companion for Life Science

The Apprentice's Companion for Life Science


  • The Apprentice’s Companion for Life Science is a valuable new combination of experiment book, field manual, lab journal, sketch book, and commonplace book. Throughout the book, students are prompted to form hypotheses, take data, and revisit those hypotheses to assess, wherever possible, if they are supported by the data. The book is enhanced with images of art, poems, and quotes by respected scientists and naturalists.

    Twenty-six activities are included, each keyed to one of the chapters in Life Science. For each chapter in Life Science, the Apprentice's Companion includes short activities requiring only a few minutes and longer experiments requiring the entire class period. Some activities extend over a period of several days.

  • Paperback

    ISBN: 9781600514746

    Pages: 379

    Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in

  • Tracy Creek, Author

    Tracy Creek

    Tracy Creek earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Educational Studies from Western Governors University. She received Praxis ETS Recognition of Excellence awards for outstanding scores in Biology and General Science. Tracy taught middle school earth, physical, and life science classes and high school biology, chemistry, and physical science for a homeschool co-op for 16 years. She then taught high school Geophysical Science at Mesa Valley Community School (MVCS) for three years and still serves at MVCS as a substitute teacher for math and science classes. Currently, she works for MVCS in administration and assessment.

    Tracy homeschooled her seven children in Grand Junction, Colorado. Many of their growing years were spent on soccer fields. All her children also acted in home school and community theater programs. They are now remarkable adults. Tracy enjoys reading, hiking, kayaking, and being with her grandchildren.

  • Errata (PDF)