We look forward to seeing you at the conferences and conventions we'll be attending this year! Join us virtually or in person at one of the following:

U.S. Conventions 2025


February 19-21: ICE (Great Hearts) in Tempe, AZ


March 13-15: GHC South Carolina in Greenville, SC
March 27-29: Alcuin Retreat in Nashotah, WI


April 24-26: GHC Ohio in Columbus, OH


June 18-21: ACCS Conference in Dallas, TX
June 25-27: SCL Conference in Dallas, TX


July 10-12: GHC Texas in Round Rock, TX
July 15-18: ICLE Conference in Lincoln, NE
July 16-19: CiRCE Conference in Charleston, SC

 Do you know of a local homeschool convention where CAP isn’t represented? Contact us at info@classicalsubjects.com if you’re interested in representing Classical Academic Press at your local convention!