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For grades 7-12
Stories give us an experience of certain knowledge, which is why how we feel about the book is part of what the book is teaching us. We have kept these things in heart and mind while making The Inklings Collection of literature guides, to be used in conjunction with the work of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Dorothy Sayers. We named them “Walking to Wisdom” because acquiring wisdom happens at the pace of a walk and with a mentor. We have sought to guide students through these marvelous books as well as in the skill of reading these particular texts.
Tolkien, Sayers, and Lewis all expressed their ideas in both fiction and nonfiction. The fiction includes dramatic literature, short fiction, long fiction, epistolary satire, and allegory. To shed light on their fiction, we have incorporated some nonfiction essays of Lewis and Sayers in the guides that cover their works. We strongly encourage students to take a full year and use all eight guides as a twentieth-century British literature course, though working through even one guide will be beneficial. Each literature guide both stands on its own and interacts with the others, with sidebar comments and thematic continuity. These books will change students’ lives and, in the meantime, teach them how to read with delight, depth, and skill, as well as prepare them to write well.
These substantial literature guides thoughtfully instruct students with the following habits:
• taking notes in their books
• answering reading questions
• creating their own questions
• reading sample student writing
• keeping notes book-wide on themes and motifs
• answering discussion questions about thematic material
• memorizing important quotations
• preparing, while reading, to write
• participating in creative enrichment activities related to the booksThis literature guide references page numbers that line up with the 2001 HarperCollins edition of The Chronicles of Narnia (complete collection), but with a bit of extra preparation you can use this guide with any edition of The Last Battle. If you would like to buy the 2001 version, you can find it for purchase here.
The context essays referenced in the Walking to Wisdom Literature Guides are highly recommended but not required. For copyright reasons, the context essays are not printed in the guides. Most of the books in which the essays are found are available for purchase on Amazon (links have been provided for each of those books). For the essays that are not available in book form, we have provided links to online sources. A full list of the context essays for each Walking to Wisdom Literature Guide can be found here.
A note on the teacher's edition: This essential companion to the student guide includes sample essays as well as answers and instructions for teachers. Students learn by comparing their own answers to those provided in the teacher’s edition. The material provided in this edition is substantial, the product of an intellect that has lived with these books a long time and studied them in great depth.
ISBN: 9781600512414
Pages: 72
Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in
Hannah Eagleson, Author
Dr. Hannah Eagleson has loved the Inklings as long as she can remember. She holds an MA in liberal arts from St. John’s College and a PhD in Renaissance literature from the University of Delaware. Hannah is also a harpist, and her work appears on CAP’s Veni Emmanuel collection of Latin Christmas carols. She was homeschooled and has taught at Covenant Christian Academy in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and at the University of Delaware, in addition to tutoring students from four years old through retirement age. Hannah currently divides her time between writing and editing curriculum, coordinating events and blog content for InterVarsity’s Emerging Scholars Network, and trying to finish her novel about a dragon who sells tea in early eighteenth-century London.