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Elisabeth G. Wolfe PhD, Author
A resident of central Texas, Elisabeth G. Wolfe teaches courses in literature and art appreciation online for the Baptist University of Florida. She is also a freelance translator, and she writes historical fiction, with five novellas currently in print. Her publications include a translation of The Apostolic Fathers: An Introduction (Wilhelm Pratscher, ed., Baylor University Press, 2010) and the essay “Þaȝ Hit Displese Ofte: Monastic Obedience in Patience,” which was the lead article in the Summer 2013 issue of Christianity and Literature. Recently, Dr. Wolfe and her writing partner, Enola G. Freeman, released Sister Muses, a short story anthology. Dr. Wolfe studied at Baylor University, earning a BA in Chemistry and German and a PhD in Religion and Literature. Her dissertation focused on the influence of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux on the anonymous fourteenth-century poems in the manuscript Cotton Nero A.x, but she enjoys the Anglo-Saxon era as well. Her other interests include the Inklings, Texas history, classic film and television, a number of fandoms, and music from before 1976. Her contributions to this book include: introduction parts 1 and 2, chapters 1–5 and 7–13, “Life of Tintagel Youths,” and the end-of-book review. Ashlee Cowles MLitt, MTS, Author
Ashlee Cowles taught philosophy, religion, history, literature, and writing at the secondary and college levels for a decade. She fell in love with classical education after spending an entire semester reading and discussing Homer’s Iliad with her ninth-grade students. In partnership with her lifelong friend and coauthor, Danielle Stinson, Mrs. Cowles has written two historical novels about the Trojan War for adults under the pseudonym A. D. Rhine: Horses of Fire and Daughters of Bronze (Dutton/Penguin-Random House, 2023 & 2024). She has also written several young adult novels, including The Poppy and The Rose (Owl Hollow Press, 2020) and Beneath Wandering Stars (Simon & Schuster, 2016). Mrs. Cowles pursued graduate studies in theological ethics at Duke University and medieval history at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where she wrote her master’s thesis on the humanism of the twelfth-century writer John of Salisbury, whose work influenced liberal arts education during the Middle Ages. In addition to writing historical fiction and K-12 curriculum, Mrs. Cowles is a copywriter for the education sector. She lives among the wild beauty of northern Michigan with her husband and children.
Aaron G. Larsen DA, Author and Volume Editor
Currently teaching history, Latin, logic, and rhetoric at Regents School of Charlottesville in Virginia, Aaron Larsen previously taught at two classical schools in Pennsylvania. In 2001, Dr. Larsen joined a team led by Dr. Christopher Perrin and two other colleagues to help form Classical Academic Press. The motivation behind this endeavor was to produce exceptional Latin and logic curricula for the classical education movement. The first results of this collaboration included the publication of their logic text, The Art of Argument, and the three-volume Latin for Children series. Dr. Larsen is also a coauthor of The Discovery of Deduction: An Introduction to Formal Logic and The Curious Historian series. He earned a BA in history, with minors in philosophy and education, from Covenant College in Georgia. He completed his coursework for his DA in modern world history from St. John's University in New York and went on to write his doctoral thesis on the Meiji Restoration, which, as he likes to say, is “the most important event in world history that nobody’s ever heard of.”