This episode we're talking about: the expanding roles and responsibilites of Christian Classical schools
~ Things Christian classical schools and classical educators should consistently “resolve” to do
~ What the future holds for Christian classical schools and classical education in general at the onset of 2019
~ How to refresh and engage students and teachers alike coming off the “lull” of Christmas break
Dr. Kevin Clark is the academic dean at the Geneva School of Orlando, Florida, where he teaches rhetoric and Christian thought and classical guitar. He is an Alcuin fellow with The Society for Classical Learning and a member of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain. Dr. Clark received his BA in philosophy from the University of Central Florida and his MA in theological studies from Reformed Theological Seminary. In May 2016 he successfully defended a doctoral thesis entitled The Hermeneutics of Interdisciplinarity for the Doctor of Liberal Studies degree at Georgetown University. Kevin is captivated by the poetic, liturgical, and imaginative contexts for Christian liberal arts education. He is an active member of his local parish church, where he serves as a licensed reader and subdeacon. He is a lover of stories—especially reading them aloud together with his children. Andersen’s fairy tales, The Hobbit, and The Chronicles of Narnia are perennial favorites. He dreams one day of walking the Camino de Santiago, the medieval pilgrimage trail from Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

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