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December 3rd 11:59 PST
On Individual Curriculum items:
Spend up to $99.99 save 20%
Spend $100 or more save 30%*
Get 50% off your first month of ClassicalU
Use coupon code cucybermonday
Shop and save the sale through
December 3rd 11:59 PST
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Save on Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, General Biology (NEW!) and much more! Individual items only. Regular exclusions apply.
Save on your ClassicalU subscription and grow in your understanding of classical education. Use coupon code cucybermonday at checkout
*The Cyber Monday Sale will be November 8-29, 2021. The sale is applicable on individual items only. The sale will not be applied to already discounted programs or bundles. The Cyber Monday Sale will not be applied to the following products: Ambrose Curriculum Guide, programs or bundles, online courses (such as Scholé Academy, St. Raphael School, or the Canterbury House of Studies), Singapore Math products, and some test packets or yearlong licenses (such as The Discovery of Deduction Quizzes & Assessments, Latin for Children and Latin Alive! Test Packets, and Well-Ordered Language Songs & Chants or Extra Practice & Assessment PDFs).
**The Cyber Monday deal of spending $100 or more and save 30% does not apply to any Novare Science or Centripetal Press products.