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A yearlong course for grades 4 and upThe Spanish for Children Primer B Answer Key contains copies of the actual worksheets and quizzes from Spanish for Children Primer B, with answers filled in with a large, bold font.
There is a distinction between just learning common words and phrases—the approach of many Spanish programs—and knowing the
language well enough to communicate correctly, fluently, and accurately. The Spanish for Children Primer B Program is the second in the series and emphasizes grammar and the parts of speech as vital tools for correctly speaking and understanding Spanish. This program also includes expanded dialogues, stories, songs, and chants. Paperback
ISBN: 9781600510533
Pages: 220
Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in
Julia Kraut, Author
A lifelong lover of studying language and culture, Julia holds a master’s degree in Spanish language and culture from the Universidad de Salamanca Cursos Internacionales (in Spain), and another in Études du monde anglophone (Anglophone cultural studies) from Aix-Marseille University in France. She also has BAs in international studies, theatre arts, and medieval studies from Pennsylvania State University, where she was a Schreyer Honors Scholar.
After teaching Spanish in a K–8 setting, Julia married a Francophile and moved to France, where she taught English in elementary and middle schools and at the university level, all while continuing to study Spanish and Catalan, a romance language spoken in Andorra and parts of Spain. Out of all the classes she has taken, her favorite involved studying how Spanish evolved from Latin during the Middle Ages. As a researcher, she is particularly interested in how creativity and play affect learning, and in how our understanding of the past is meaningful to us in the present.
Julia is also the author of the Spanish for Children series and the Song School Spanish series. Her children enjoy asking her to sing the “Sit on Your Silla Song” from Song School Spanish Book 1 to all their friends.