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To mark the 20th anniversary of our best-selling informal logic text, The Art of Argument, we have released a new, revised edition that includes fresh examples, enhanced explanations, and a refreshed design. All of the best features of the award-winning first edition are preserved, and we have incorporated more comprehensive instruction about how to detect and avoid each of the 28 fallacies covered in the book. Updated fallacy examples for today’s students and several new dialogues with everyone's favorite philosopher, Socrates, have been added as well. This edition also includes taxonomic fallacy trees to give students and teachers helpful visual guides as they seek to understand the commonalities and differences between the fallacies. Additional explanations and examples have been provided in the teacher’s edition to better equip instructors to guide their students through the most challenging fallacy identifications.
One of the most important additions in this revision is a more explicit call for students and teachers to be truth seekers who approach debate, disagreement, and argument from a point of humility by seeking what is true without being distracted by the desire to be right. We have provided opportunities for students to practice the virtue of prudence as they build the tools necessary to learn how to reason well.
Compatible with our existing video series, the newly revised Art of Argument is a richer, fuller, more naturally flowing text that fosters wonder, delight, and virtue as students learn to detect fallacious arguments in their own academic work, in the arguments of others, and in modern culture.
“My chief objection to a quarrel,” G.K. Chesterton wrote, “is that it ends a good argument.”
*Please note: The Art of Argument Teacher's Edition does not include a chapter 2 test. To rectify this error, we created a digital packet that contains all the tests and quizzes you'll need to complete the class. This downloadable PDF will be included with your purchase of the Teacher’s Edition and accessible in your My Library account.
This is a consumable item. For more information on this product's copyright, please refer to our General FAQ section here.
ISBN: 9781600514500
Pages: 296
Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in
Joelle Hodge, Author
Joelle Hodge holds a BA in history/political science from Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania, and is currently enrolled in the Master of Arts in Teaching program at Eastern University’s Templeton Honors College. She began her career as a staffer to United States Senator Arlen Specter (R-Pa) before finding her professional home in the world of classical education in 1999. She has twenty years of teaching experience—several of which were spent at a classical school in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. There she also developed much of their logic and rhetoric curricula. She has coauthored two logic books, The Art of Argument: An Introduction to the Informal Fallacies and The Discovery of Deduction: An Introduction to Formal Logic, both published by Classical Academic Press (CAP), and continues to support various editorial projects at CAP, but her primary focus is on the growth and development of Scholé Academy, where she serves as the principal. Since the inception of Scholé Academy in 2014, Joelle has taught courses across a variety of disciplines, including math, logic, and rhetoric, as well as a course in student-skills development (How to Be a Student). She served as senior teacher for Scholé Academy before stepping into the role of academy principal in 2018. Additionally, Classical Academic Press hosts Joelle’s consultant offerings, where she engages with educators across the country, tailoring workshops for classical schools and co-ops that seek to train their teachers in the fundamentals of dialectic- and rhetoric-stage pedagogy.