September 08, 20160 comments Scholé for Classical Christian Educators As human beings we have lost our ability to rest and therefore we have also lost our ability to rest in education. Continue reading
August 29, 20160 comments Digital Screen Technology and the Challenge of Contemplative Silence My previous post discussed the challenge that digital screen technology poses for spiritual solitude. Continue reading
August 09, 20160 comments The Dialectic Stage: HOW are Teens Thinking?? It’s the burning question every parent of a teenager wants an answer to: “What is my kid thinking?” Continue reading
August 05, 20160 comments Teaching with an Open Hand As a homeschooling mom, I have a tendency to live in my ideals. Continue reading
July 26, 20160 comments Motivation and Language Learning What makes for successful foreign language learning? Continue reading
July 14, 20160 comments Summer Latin Practice Ideas As the annual summer sabbatical sets in, parents often ask me how to help their students keep up with Latin over the summer. Continue reading