April 18, 20160 comments Classical Education: Rigorous or Vigorous? Some say that classical education is rigorous. My response to this is both “yes” and “no.” Continue reading
April 14, 20160 comments Writing & Rhetoric: The Method, the Philosophy & the Progymnasmata Students are often expected to write with no clear model before them. Continue reading
February 10, 20160 comments Once More, What is Classical Education? As I present seminars on classical education and train teachers around the country, I find that this question—What is classical education?—persists. Continue reading
February 10, 20160 comments Why Reading Dostoyevsky Has Changed Me The spring before I left for college, my family experienced a trauma that has deeply affected our lives ever since. Continue reading
February 10, 20160 comments Weaving Our Next Web Just recently, at a company “Scholé Lunch,” we read and discussed Walt Whitman’s poem “A Noiseless, Patient Spider.” Continue reading