Introductory Physics
Introductory Physics is a mastery-based physics course that unites unique pedagogical advantages with the excellence and beauty that Novare Science textbooks are known for. Learning to break the “Cram-Pass-Forget Cycle,” Novare students study for long-term retention of course content and deeper science learning. Introductory Physics is a truly ground-breaking approach to science education.
Introductory Physics integrates related subjects of mathematics, history, written and verbal communication, and even a little philosophy to enhance physics and show the natural relatedness of learning. And a unique “kingdom-perspective” ties the study of God’s physical world into the Christian faith in relevant ways without being heavy-handed. At appropriate opportunities, the author makes observations about the Creator’s wise design or the faith commitments of scientists of history.
This book is ideal for 9th grade when most students are concurrently enrolled in Algebra I. There are no prerequisite courses.
Introductory Physics Textbook
ISBN: 9780998169958
Edition: 3rd Edition
Grade Level: Grades 9-11
Course Length: 1 year
Content Credit: 1 full high school science credit
Trim Size: 6.5” x 9.5”
Binding: Hardcover
Color or BW: Color
Pages: 405
Introductory Physics Digital Resources
Digital Resources for Introductory Physics includes assessment documentation and course planning resources necessary for the administration of this course, whether in a homeschool setting or a coop or classroom. All items are printable and distributable to your student or classroom; only one copy of digital resources are needed per classroom or home. In this downloadable resource, you will find tools for planning the year.
Included in the Digital Resources:
- Course Overview - “How I Taught The Course” by John Mays
- 23 Weekly Review Guides - these are key to to implementation of mastery learning
- 28 Quizzes
- Fall and Spring Semester Exams
- All keys and sample answers in one document
- Lesson List
- Sample Schedule for the year
- Sample graded lab report
Experiments for Introductory Physics and ASPC
This book contains the teacher's instructions for lab experiments for both Introductory Physics and Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (ASPC) science courses. Each experiment includes learning objectives, a materials list, a statement of the purpose of the experiment, an overview, pre-lab discussion points, teacher’s experiment protocols, any safety precautions, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus. For some experiments calling for expensive equipment, alternative methods are suggested with less costly equipment.
There is a total of six lab experiments in the book: five apply to both texts, and ASPC has one additional.
ISBN: 9780996677141
Edition: 1st Edition
Grade Level: High School
Trim Size: 6.5” x 9.5”
Binding: Soft cover
Color or BW: Color
Pages: 124Experiments included
- The Pendulum Lab: learning experimental methods and procedures, collect data, control variables, develop a complete lab report from scratch
- The Soul of Motion: investigate Newton’s second law of motion, use theory to make quantitative predictions of results, present theoretical predictions and results on the same set of axes on a graph, explore new scientific equipment
- The Hot Wheels Lab: investigate conservation of energy, use proper method to avoid parallax error, correctly measure lengths, make quantitative predictions of results, explore new scientific equipment
- DC Circuits: DC circuits and the use of electronic test equipment, explore new scientific equipment, calculate predicted values based on actual experimental conditions
- The Density Lab: accurately determining density with correct lab technique and computer-based analysis, practice proper care and safety with glassware, use displacement method to measure solid volume, use computer to calculate slope of the least squares regression line, correctly insert and extract metal objects from a graduated cylinder
- The Solubility Lab: determining solubility and the effect of temperature on solubility (additional lab for use with ASPC), determine when a solution has reached saturation, practice proper care and safety with glassware and gas burners, learn handling and disposal of substances, correctly read volumes and account for meniscus, create bar chart to display results
Complete Solutions and Answers for Introductory Physics
Think of this book as a one-stop grader’s reference with answers and step-by-step solutions to all calculation questions, plus sample answers to verbal answers. Answers to calculation answers exercises (found in the textbook), plus sample complete sentence answers to verbal questions, plus answer keys for all assessments (including semester final exams), plus the entire Solutions Manual, all in one book!
Edition: 1st Edition
Grade Level: Teacher's Resource
Course Length: 1 year
Trim Size: 8.5” x 11”
Pages: 176
Solutions Manual for Introductory Physics
This Solutions Manual contains the mathematical steps for solving calculation problems in the chapter exercises of Introductory Physics. It is a useful supplement for students in homeschooling environments or in traditional classrooms. This book is not included in the Introductory Physics program; it is considered an optional student supplement because it is a subset of Complete Solutions and Answers for Introductory Physics, a teacher's grading resource. This book is for students without giving them answers to assessments.
This book is applicable for all editions of Introductory Physics.
Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (ASPC)
ASPC is the first text in the Novare accelerated high school pathway. Students who bring a motivation and hunger for science with them will find a challenging, mastery-based program that still only draws on Algebra I mathematical skills. We recommend that students have completed Algebra I before starting this course.
Some topics are similar to Novare Physical Science but the chapters go deeper and require more advanced problem-solving ability. Fundamental skills such as scientific notation, significant digits, unit conversions and metric prefixes are mastered early in this text by repeated use. The history of science is featured prominently. And learning some scientific epistemology prepares students for mature engagement with scientific worldview issues. All of this while honoring God as faithful investigators of the marvels of his world.
ASPC Textbook
ISBN: 9780998983349
Edition: 2nd
Grade Level: 9
Course Length: 1 year
Content Credit: 1 full high school science credit
Trim Size: 6.5” x 9.5”
Binding: Hardcover
Color or BW: Color
Pages: 451
ASPC Digital Resources
Digital Resources for ASPC includes assessment documentation and course planning resources necessary for the administration of this course, whether in a homeschool setting or a coop or classroom. All items are printable and distributable to your student or classroom; only one copy of digital resources are needed per classroom or home. In this downloadable resource, you will find tools for planning the year.
Included in the Digital Resources:
- Course overview - "How I taught the course" by John D. Mays
- Sample lesson calendar
- ASPC lesson schedule
- Sample graded lab report
- 29 weekly quizzes
- Fall and spring semester exams
- All Keys and Sample Answers in one document
- Weekly review guides - these are key to implementation of mastery learning
Experiments for Introductory Physics and ASPC
This book contains the teacher's instructions for lab experiments for both Introductory Physics and Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (ASPC) science courses. Each experiment includes learning objectives, a materials list, a statement of the purpose of the experiment, an overview, pre-lab discussion points, teacher’s experiment protocols, any safety precautions, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus. For some experiments calling for expensive equipment, alternative methods are suggested with less costly equipment.
There is a total of six lab experiments in the book: five apply to both texts, and ASPC has one additional.
ISBN: 9780996677141
Edition: 1st Edition
Grade Level: High School
Trim Size: 6.5” x 9.5”
Binding: Soft cover
Color or BW: Color
Pages: 124Experiments included
- The Pendulum Lab: learning experimental methods and procedures, collect data, control variables, develop a complete lab report from scratch
- The Soul of Motion: investigate Newton’s second law of motion, use theory to make quantitative predictions of results, present theoretical predictions and results on the same set of axes on a graph, explore new scientific equipment
- The Hot Wheels Lab: investigate conservation of energy, use proper method to avoid parallax error, correctly measure lengths, make quantitative predictions of results, explore new scientific equipment
- DC Circuits: DC circuits and the use of electronic test equipment, explore new scientific equipment, calculate predicted values based on actual experimental conditions
- The Density Lab: accurately determining density with correct lab technique and computer-based analysis, practice proper care and safety with glassware, use displacement method to measure solid volume, use computer to calculate slope of the least squares regression line, correctly insert and extract metal objects from a graduated cylinder
- The Solubility Lab: determining solubility and the effect of temperature on solubility (additional lab for use with ASPC), determine when a solution has reached saturation, practice proper care and safety with glassware and gas burners, learn handling and disposal of substances, correctly read volumes and account for meniscus, create bar chart to display results
Solutions Manual for ASPC
This Solutions Manual contains the mathematical steps for solving calculation problems in the chapter exercises of Accelerated Studies in Physics and Chemistry (ASPC). It is a useful supplement for students in homeschooling environments or in traditional classrooms.
This book is considered a student resource and only contains solutions for chapter exercises in the textbook (students already have the answers in the text). This manual is applicable for all editions of ASPC.
Physics: Modeling Nature
Physics: Modeling Nature is an excellent elective option for high school seniors who are seriously considering a college or career path that is scientific or engineering-based. This course is ideal for a senior elective for students on the Novare "accelerated pathway".
Modeling Nature employs vector calculations and assumes students have completed trigonometry as a prerequisite. Problems in the text are not calculus-based, but since many students will take calculus concurrently with advanced physics, connections between the two are occasionally highlighted. Modeling Nature is written with Novare priorities—supporting a mastery-learning paradigm, integrating related subjects, and a Kingdom perspective that inspires wonder in the beauty and complexity of God’s great world.
Physics: Modeling Nature Textbook
ISBN: 9780986352904
Edition: 1st
Grade Level: 11-12
Course Length: 1 year
Content Credit: 1 full high school science credit
Trim Size: 6.5” x 9.5"
Binding: Hardcover
Color or BW: Color
Pages: 542
Physics: Modeling Nature Digital Resources
Digital Resources for Physics: Modeling Nature includes assessment documentation and course planning resources necessary for the administration of this course, whether in a homeschool setting or a coop or classroom. All items are printable and distributable to your student or classroom; only one copy of digital resources are needed per classroom or home. In this downloadable resource, you will find tools for planning the year.
Included in the Digital Resources:
- Course Overview (PDF) - “Recommendations for Teaching the Course” by John Mays
- 17 Quizzes
- 14 Chapter Tests
- Fall and Spring Semester Exams
- Quiz and Exam Keys
- Lesson Schedule
- Sample lesson calendar for the year
- Study Questions for In Search of Schrodinger's Cat by John Gribbin
Experiment Manual for Physics: Modeling Nature
This volume contains the complete teacher’s instructions for conducting the five lab experiments for our advanced physics text, Physics: Modeling Nature. The contents of this book are adapted from our book Favorite Experiments in Physics and Physical Science. Each experiment includes a list of Learning Objectives, Materials List, Experimental Purpose, Scientific Overview, Pre-Lab Discussion Points, Student Instructions, any Safety Concerns, and discussion of the use of any special apparatus.
Includes color photos of the experiments being conducted in a classroom setting.
- Bulls Eye Lab: use vector-based equations for two-dimensional projectile motion to make predictions
- The Friction Challenge: design methods to produce accurate and precise measurements of static and kinetic coefficients of friction and implement these methods to measure brass-on-brass contact under dry and lubricated conditions
- Rotational Kinetic Energy: use energy equations to predict translational velocity of a solid steel ball after it rolls to the bottom of a ramp, and compare prediction to experimental results
- Calorimetry: determine specific heat capacity of copper using the techniques of calorimetry and theory of heat transfer
- Sound Lab: use the theory of inverse square variation and logarithms to make quantitative predictions about decibels and sound pressure level of a piezo siren at various distances
Novare Science Recommended Sequence
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Extra Resources
Useful Articles
Welcome to the New Metric System
Novare Science Summer Reading Lists
Sequencing Upper School Science and Math Curriculum, part 1
Sequencing Upper School Science and Math Curriculum, part 2
A Novare Science Boot Camp, part 1: Understanding the Novare Pedagogy and Standard Components
A Novare Science Boot Camp, part 2: Preparing for and Teaching the Class
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